Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Need for Forgiveness

I hope to make this blog very honest and so I will share not just my great spiritul moments but also my very bad spiritual moments.
After having been a Christian for over 45 years now that are time when I begin to think man I have this sin thing licked. I doing good and why can't all this other "sinners" get their act together. Then I will have a moment like I had Sunday and open my mouth and the stupidest things come out. It is at those times when God reminds me of three things. One I am a recovery sinner. i don't have sin licked and I can be as unspiritual and unholy as anyone. He reminds me that I still need forgiveness and not just from Him, but many times from the person I have sinned against. He also reminds me that He still loves me. I hate to be humbled, but I love the fact that God loves me enough to humble me. God disciplines those He loves. Sunday and Monday He really loved me.

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