Saturday, September 3, 2011

God's Car

Today has been an interesting day. Jan and I were on our way to Las Cruces when I noticed the check engine light was on. Well, being the crack car guy I am I decided to go on to Las Cruces. We ate and went to come home and the car won't start. Now, normally I would panic and get mad. Instead, I prayed and ask God to get the car started. He chose not to. I don't full understand why, because I think it would have been a perfect awesome dispaly of His power. God had another plan. We have Onstar and we called them and they got a tow truck out pretty quick and we call some friends who happen to be in Las Cruces. In the porcess of doing this I still didn't get upset or go ballistic because in the middle of this God brought a verse to my spirit, it was Psalm 50:10 which says, "For every aninal of the forrest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills." So God whispered to me the car isn't yours it mine so let me worry about it. I know that God could have kept the car from having problems. He could have gotten the car started. He chose a different plan. I know that He did that to show me that He could take of us and that I need to truely surrender everything even my car to Him. He also taught me when anything is His, He'll take care of it and I don't have to stress about it.  

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