Sunday, September 11, 2011


This has been a day of reflection for me. A day to mourn and fast. I believe that September 11 is a day for American Christians to call out to God and seek Him. A day for us to ask our Father to send revival. On this day our cry should be 2 Chronicles 7:14, "If my people who are called by my name with humble themselves, pray and seek my face. I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land." Just as Israel has a day of atonement in which they fast and pray I believe that 9-11 should be ours. My prayer for us on this day is that we as God's people would humble ourselves before Him and let Him Raise the Roof and Rmove the Walls of our lives and of His church.
I having a growing desire to see God's glory reveled in us as His church, His Body. I see a church that has increasingly focused on our desires, our comforts, and our pleasures. The time is now for us as God people to surrender all ourselves so that God might be exalted above all. God had me studying Psalm 67 this week. That Psalm talks about what will happen when we as God's people seek Him and seek His blessings not for ourselves, but so God can by blessing us use us to bless the world by showing His glory to all the nations. I want to be like Isaiah who when confronted by the awesome presence of God and was asked who would go said, "Here I am send me!" May God use me and you for His glory.

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