The Lord is My Banner
Exodus 17:8-16 we see the Israelites at war with the Amalekites. Moses tells
Joshua to put an army together & go out & fight the Amalekites &
that he will go up on top of the hill with the staff of God in his hands.
Joshua obeyed & as long as Moses’ hands were held up, the Israelites would
be prevailing in the battle, but when Moses lowered his hands, the Amalekites
would prevail. So, a stone was brought so Moses could sit down & Hur &
Aaron came beside Moses & held his arms up. The Israelites won the battle.
Moses built an altar & called it the Lord Is My Banner.
are two truths that God reveals to us in this passage.
first truth is that God must be our banner. The title the Lord Is My Banner
indicates that the Israelites saw themselves as belonging to God. A banner was
a standard or flag that armies, tribes, or nations carried in their front ranks
to identity who they were as they marched into battle. Moses was saying by
naming the altar the Lord Is My Banner that he & the Israelites saw their
identity was in God.
are in a battle not with other humans or even the world. We are in a battle
with Satan our enemy who wants to kill, steal, & destroy. We only overcome
our enemy by believing that we are who God says we are & then living based
on that truth. We know who we are through God’s word.
the Roof & Remove the Walls is about identifying ourselves with God,
acknowledging that we belong to Him, & trusting Him as we obey His word.
second truth is that we as God’s people need each other. The church is made up
of recovering sinners who are flawed, imperfect people. But the church is the
body of Christ. We as the body of Christ need each other.
1 Corinthians 12 Paul makes the point that we are one body made up of many
members & that the eye needs the ear, & the eye & ear need the nose,
& the hands need the feet, & the feet need the hands. We as the body of
Christ & we need each member so that body can function as God designed His
body, the church to function.
Exodus 17 Joshua & the army needed Moses to keep his hands raised to win
the battle. Moses was not strong enough to keep his hands raised for the whole
of the battle, so Hur & Aaron came along side Moses to help him keep his
hands raised. So, Moses needed Hur & Aaron to keep his hands raised so that
the Israelites could win the battle.
as God’s people need each other to accomplish the will of God. We cannot do it
the Roof & Remove the Walls is about us as God’s people realizing that we
need each other & living as the body of Christ in a true community of
we are going to be God’s people who He will use to change our communities, our
states, & our nation, then we must see ourselves as belonging to God &
have our identity in Him. We also must see ourselves as the body of Christ
& realize that we need each other & that we must live as a community of
Raise the Roof &
Remove the Walls,
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