Sunday, November 19, 2023

God's Church Part 3


God’s Church Part 3


There are three analogies used to describe the church in the New Testament.

In 1 Corinthians 12:27 where the church is referred to as the body of Christ.

In Revelation 19:7-8 where the church is referred to as the bride of Christ.

In 1 Timothy 3:15 where the church is referred to as the household or family of God.


In each of these analogies there is one big common connection, they are all relational terms.

The parts of the body have to relate to each other properly so the body works together & is healthy.

A groom & bride have to relate to each other properly so the marriage can have unity & be healthy.

A family has to relate to each other properly for the family to be in harmony & be healthy.


So, what does God want for His church, the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, & the family of God?


To Recognize that Jesus is the Head

In Colossians 1:18 Jesus is the head of the body. Jesus is the only one who knows the Father’s complete will for the church. The church is to be Jesus-centered or Jesus-ruled.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about having Jesus as the head of His church.


To Be in Unity

In Romans 15:5-6 Paul prays for the church to be in unity so that with one heart & mouth the church can glorify God. If the church is not in unity it cannot glorify God & it cannot effectively proclaim the gospel.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about as the church being in unity with Jesus & with each other.


To Love Each Other

In John 13:34-35 Jesus tells His disciples that it their love for each other that will show the world that they are His disciples. People will not be drawn to Jesus if they don’t see His love through His church, but they will be drawn to Him when they see His love manifested in His church.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about loving others, in the church & in the world.


To Be Pure & Holy

In 1 Peter 1:16 we are told that just as Jesus was holy, we as His disciples are to be holy. Holiness has two aspects one to be set apart to serve God & the second is to be spiritual pure. We are to see ourselves as servants of God & we are not to be polluted by ungodly motives or desires.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about as Jesus’ church be pure & holy like Him.


When the church allows God’s presence & activity to be expressed through us, then a watching world will be drawn to Jesus.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls,




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