Sunday, November 19, 2023

Coming to Know God Through Experiencing God



Coming to Know God Through Experiencing God


If you ask me if I know Paul McCartney, I would say I know about him & in fact I know a lot about him. But, no, I do not know him. If you ask me if I know Jan Byers, I would without any hesitation, yes. Some people know God like I know Paul McCartney; they know about Him. Some people know God like I know Jan Byers because they have experienced His presence or His reality in their lives.


God wants all of us to know Him by experiencing His reality in our daily lives. Abraham shows us how this can work in our lives.


In Genesis 12 God speaks to Abraham & tells him to leave his country, his kindred, & his father’s house & go to a land that God will show him. God also makes promises to Abraham. He promises to make him a great nation, make his name great, He will bless those who bless him & dishonor those who curse him, & make him a blessing to all the families of the earth.


Abraham obeys God & later in Genesis 12 God again speaks to Abraham & tells him that the land He has led him to is the land that He would give to Abraham & his offspring.


Abraham came to know God as faithful because he experienced God being faithful to him.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about being able to trust God as faithful because we have experienced God’s faithfulness personally.


In Genesis 21 Isaac is born. He is the child of the promise that God had made to Abraham twenty-five years before. Abraham was one hundred years old & Sarah was ninety years old when Isaac was born. They were both way past childbearing age, but God brought forth their son. Abraham came to know God as God Almighty because he experienced the supernatural power of God producing Isaac from him & Sarah when it was humanly impossible.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about experiencing God as God Almighty through experiencing the power of God in our daily lives.


In Genesis 22 God tells Abraham to take Issac & sacrifice him as a burnt offering. Abraham got up early the next day & took Issac to sacrifice him as God had told him to. When Isaac asked Abraham where the sacrifice was as they walked to the place of the sacrifice, Abraham replied that God would provide the sacrifice. When Abraham had placed Isaac on the altar God stopped him from killing Isaac & provided a ram caught in the bushes for the sacrifice. Abraham came to know God as the God Who Provides because He experienced God providing a substitute for his son Isaac.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about knowing God as the God Who Provides as we experience God providing for our needs daily.


God took Abraham into a more intimate relationship with Him as He revealed Himself in different ways & as Abraham obeyed.


God wants to work the same way in our lives.


God will speak to us by the Holy Spirit through the word of God, the Bible. When we obey God, we will come to experience Him in a new a different way & we come to know Him more intimately.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about hearing God, obeying God, & coming to know God in deeper & intimate ways.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls,


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