Sunday, June 27, 2021

How o You View People?


How do you view people? Many base their view on physical appearance or social standing or financial standing or political affiliation or on spiritual beliefs.


How did Jesus view people?


John 3:16 tells us that God loved the world. World here is referring to the people, the people of the world.


So, Jesus loves us. He loves all humanity. He loves us regardless of our physical appearance or our social standing or our financial standing or our political affiliation or our spiritual beliefs. Jesus does not always agree with our beliefs or our life style but He loves us and wants a relationship with us.


Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:16, “From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh.”


Paul is saying that as followers of Jesus we don’t look at others from a human-based or worldly viewpoint. We look at them from a Jesus point of view.


In Luke 19:10 Jesus says that the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.


In Matthew 9:13 Jesus says to the Jewish religious leaders that they need to learn what this means, “‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”


Jesus loves us and that is why He goes out to seek and save the lost and to call sinners into a relationship with Him.    


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is loving the lost and the unrighteous and being one who Jesus uses to go and share His love and grace with others.


What do these lost and unrighteous people look like and how did Jesus reach out to them?


In John 4 Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman who had been married five times and was living with a man she was not married to. She was an outcast from her own community. Jesus does not condemn her but shares truth in love with her and leads her to faith in Him as the Savior.


Jesus lovingly shares truth with us to lead us into a relationship with Him as our Savior.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is seeing people as Jesus did and lovingly sharing truth with them to enable them to know Jesus as their Savior.


In Matthew 8:2 a leper comes to Jesus and asks Him to heal him if He is willing. In Matthew 8:3 Jesus says that He is willing and He touches the leper and heals him.


Jesus does not stand off from the lost and unrighteous but He enters into their lives and touches them.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is us being the hands and feet and voice and heart of Jesus and entering into the lives of others and touching them with Jesus’ love.


In John 9 Jesus encounters a blind man, the man blind from birth. The disciples wanted to discuss who had sinned that caused this man to be blind. Jesus does not enter their discussion; He just heals the man.


We all have been born with a bent toward sin or a nature that desires our will, not God’s will. Jesus shows He can and will change things that we’re born with. Jesus says in John 9:5 that He is the light of the world. He brought physical light into the blind man’s eyes. He brings the light of the truth of the gospel to our spiritual eyes.


Rise the Roof an Remove the Walls is allowing Jesus to bring the truth of the gospel into our lives and sharing that truth into other’s lives.


Jesus sees the lost and unrighteous as hurting, wounded, broken, and messy. We want to stay away from people like that, but Jesus wants to bring relief for the hurting; healing for the wounded; fixing for the broken; cleaning for the messy.


We need to be like Paul by not regarding anyone from a human-based viewpoint but seeing them from a Jesus viewpoint. We need to love them just as Jesus does and enter into life with them so we can show them the love and grace of God.


Jesus was different from His culture and viewed and treated people differently than His culture did. We need to be different like that, so that others can see Jesus in us.    


With a Jesus Point of View Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls,


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