Sunday, November 26, 2017

In His Image

In Genesis 1:26 God says that He will create humans in His image. He then creates humans in His image in verse 27.

In Romans 8:29 Paul says that God predestined those who know Him to be conformed to the image of Jesus.

So, what happened? If humans were created in God’s image, why is there a need to conform them to the image of Jesus? Aren’t they already formed in the image of Jesus?

No! Sin happened.

What has to happen for the image of Jesus to be formed in us?

First, we have to be regenerated.

In John 3:3 Jesus tells Nicodemus that he has to be born again. Nicodemus is confused and asks Jesus how it is possible that a grown person can born again. Jesus tells him that you have to be born of water (physical birth) and the Spirit (spiritual birth). Jesus also tells him that he should not be surprised at this.

Regeneration is experiencing a new spiritual birth by God’s Spirit.

In the 1980’s it became trendy to talk about being a “born-again” Christian.

The reality is that the only kind of Christian that really exists is a born-again Christian. Jesus makes it clear that to enter the kingdom of God you have to be born again.

Regeneration or being born again is a work of God alone. It is not something that we can do for ourselves. It is not something that God needs our help with.

Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is being born again and thus experiencing a spiritual rebirth.

Second, there is sanctification.

Sanctification is the process of being transformed into the image of Jesus and being separated for God’s sole use.

For us to become like Jesus, we have to have a new birth and then enter into the lifelong process of being made like Him.

They are both essential.

They are connected.

They are different.

Regeneration is solely a work of God.

Sanctification is a work of God plus our cooperation.

Regeneration happens in an instant.

Sanctification is a lifelong process.

Regeneration is the beginning.

Sanctification is the rest of the story.

Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is letting God form in you the image of Jesus.

God is a very wise and practical God. He gives us in His Word a model of that a regenerated and sanctified person can follow.

In 1 Peter 2:21 we are told that we have been called because Jesus suffered for us and He is our example so we can follow in His steps.

The word translated example means the underwriting.

In New Testament times a teacher would write a word in wax and the student would trace or follow the letters in the word in the wax to learn how to write.

The student would follow the example of the teacher.

In the same way, Jesus is our teacher and we are His students or disciples and we live out our regeneration and sanctification by the Spirit giving us the understanding, desire, and enabling to follow Jesus’ example.

In Ephesians 5:1 Paul tells us that we are to be imitators of God. We are to follow the example of God.

In Ephesians 5:2 we are told that two of the ways we are to follow God’s example are in love and sacrifice.

We can see that love and sacrifice in the person of Jesus.

So, Peter and Paul agree that we are to follow the example of Jesus. That can only happen when God has regenerated us and the Spirit is sanctifying us.    

God’ Word shows us how Jesus lived, how He dealt with life’s issues and temptations. His Word also shows us His love for us shown by His death for our sin.

Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is following the example of Jesus, empowered by the Spirit.

Following Jesus’s Example Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls


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