I have been following all the furor over the President coming out in favor of same sex marriage. Let's get real! We have known for some time that the President was supportive of many issues dealing with the homosexual community. He is not stupid. He knows that he will not get many if any votes from those who are opposed to same sex marriage, so he guarantees himself a stonger vote from the homosexual community by coming out in favor of same sex marriage. The President is first and foremost a politician. Does the President coming out in favor of same sex marriage make same sex marraige right or wrong? The answer is no it doesn't.
I read a letter in my home town news paper from some person saying that in the early church there were marriage ceremonies for same sex couples. First, that is a lie and the person just simply made that one up. Second, let's say that the church, and the time peroid that the person referenced meant they were referring to the Cathloic Church, had ceremonies for same sex marriages. Does the fact the church had same sex marraige ceremonies make same sex marriage right or wrong? Again the answer is no.
The fact that the President of the United States says same sex marraige is right and that the church had ceremonies for same sex marraige does not make same sex marraige right. Why? The nature of marraige is not determined by the President, the church or the culture. The nature of marriage is determined by the one who instituted it - God. Man didn't invented marriage, God did. In Genesis 2 we are given the account of God created humans, male and female. Then in verses 22 & 23 it says, "Then the Lord God made woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman for she was taken out of man'." This was the first marriage ceremony. Father (God) giving the bride (Eve) to the groom (Adam) and even complete with vows. God clearly estabishes marriage here as between one man and one woman. Jesus in Matthew 19 agrees with the Father that marriage is to be between one man and one woman only.
I don't care what the President or the church or the culture thinks about same sex marriage. I care what God thinks. God in His Word indicates that marriage is one man one woman.
God graciously gives us the freedom to think and believe and live like we want to. He does reserve the right as Creator, Lord, and Savior to have the ultimate say. He also tells us that if we choose to disobey Him and His will we have to live with the results of that disobedience.
My job as a surrender disciple and follower of Jesus is not to condemn people. Jesus says that in John 3:17. My job is to in love speak the truth. I believe that same sex marriage is wrong because God says it wrong. I don't believe I have the right as a Jesus follower to try and punish or ridicule people who choose to support same sex marriage.
You have the right both from God and from our nation to believe and live as you desire. I don't have to agree with you or support you in your choice. I do have to love you. My loving people doesn't mean that I agree with them all the time. And my disagreeing with a person doesn't mean that I don't love them. Let's stop looking at same sex marriage as an "issue". Let's look at people not issues and love not condemn.
Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls
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