Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Everybody struggles. We all struggle with something, some of them are big and some are small. However, big or small they are, struggles are a struggle and they are not fun.

God has shown me that struggles are bad. It is when there is no struggle that we can really be in trouble. If I am not facing a struggle of some kind it means one of two things.

One: I am in one of those awesome mountain top spiritual experiences where out of God's mercy and grace I have rest from struggles for a time. We can't really live there because we live in a fallen world that is dominated by sin and that sin will effect us. I am very thankful for those times. They allow me to be refreshed and reenergized.

Two: I have given up and given in and am no longer in the battle. There is no struggle because I have surrendered. I have not surrendered to Jesus, but to the enemy and it seems everything is fine. It is not fine and somewhere down the road my suurender will lead to great defeat and destruction.

 I have learned that when I surrender my life to Jesus, I will face struggles. The stuggles direct me to Jesus. The struggle shows me that Jesus, my Lord and my Friend, is with me in the middle of the struggle.

Allow God in the middle of your struggle to Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls. Jesus will pour the Holy Spirit into your life and also your struggle and will then display His glory to the world.

Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls

I would rather be in the struggle with Jesus then out of the struggle without Jesus. As you struggle call out and let Jesus be Who He wants to be to you in the middle of your struggle.

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