Sunday, May 5, 2024

Keeping in Step with the Spirit Who Enables Us


Keeping in Step with the Spirit Who Enables Us

Galatians 5:16-26


Zechariah 4:6 says, “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts.” We do not accomplish God’s will by human might or power but by the working of the Holy Spirit in us & through us. In Galatians 5:16-26 we see how to overcome our flesh & produce fruit that honors God.


Verses 16-21, 24: The Spirit Enables Us to Overcome the Flesh


If we walk by the Spirit, we will not gratify the desires of the flesh. We who have been redeemed & transformed by Jesus still have an old nature in us that is sinful & opposes the new nature of Jesus that is in us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The old nature opposes the new nature & tries to get us to not do what God desires & what is really best for us. The law is no help because it can only show us what we have done wrong & has no power to help us do what God desires. The Holy Spirit enables us to overcome the old nature & let the new nature of Jesus be manifested. Paul lists the works of the flesh so that when we see them manifested in our lives, we recognize them. When we recognize the works of the flesh, we are to crucify them so that the passions & desires of the old nature are killed. Those who belong to Jesus have died to selfish & ungodly desires just as Jesus tells us to do in Luke 9:23 which says that if we want to follow Him, we must deny ourselves & take up our cross daily. 


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about allowing the Holy Spirit to crucify our old sinful nature & overcome its ungodly desires & passions.


Verses 22-23, 25-26: The Spirit Enables Us to Produce Fruit


Paul then shares with us the fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in our lives. Notice that it is works of the flesh, but it is the fruit of the Spirit. We produce the works of the flesh but it is fruit or what the Spirit produces in our lives that pleases God & that the law cannot produce. Also notice it is fruit not fruits. The Holy Spirit produces one fruit with nine different flavors. The Holy Spirit produces all these character traits at the same time in our lives. These character traits reflect the nature of Jesus in us & through us. Paul then tells how to allow the Holy Spirit to enable us to produce this godly fruit. We live by the Spirit & keep in step with the Spirit. We live everyday knowing that we are filled with Spirit & then obey what the Spirit is directing us to do. But we also need to be careful that, in the process of walking by the Spirit, we don’t become conceited & that we don’t provoke others & that we don’t envy how the Spirit is working in others.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about being enabled by the Holy Spirit to produce in us the character of Jesus.


We as disciples & followers of Jesus are to be dramatically different than those who are not disciples & followers of Jesus. This difference is to not make us prideful or conceited, thinking we are better than others. It is to enable us to live righteous & holy lives so that others will see our lives & be drawn to what makes us different, a love relationship with Jesus.


By the Holy Spirit Raising the Roof & Removing the Walls,


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