Friday, January 12, 2024

Awakened by The Spirit


Awakened by The Spirit


In Revelation 3:2 Jesus in speaks to the church in Sardis & He says, “Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of God.” We as God’s people, the church, need to wake up. We need to trade the American dream for the kingdom of God & to see that God has blessed us so that we can complete the mission God has given us. That mission is to spread the gospel of His grace to all the world.


We as the church need to wake up & see that we are in a battle & be prepared for action. We need to be awakened to the truth that our enemy, Satan, is out to kill, steal, & destroy


We need to wake up in our affections for Jesus.


The driving priority behind the mission of the early church was the person of Jesus. In Acts 1 in verses 1-3 They knew Jesus as their risen Savior. In verses 4-8 they served Jesus as their exalted Lord. They worshiped Jesus as their all-powerful King. Their passion was for Jesus & His kingdom.


Jesus tells us in Mark 12:30 that we are love Him with all that we are. He tells us in Matthew 6:33 that we are to seek His kingdom above anything else. Loving Jesus & seeking His kingdom are the priorities of the life of a disciple of Jesus.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about loving Jesus & seeking His kingdom.


We need to wake up in our obedience to the Holy Spirit.


In Acts 2 the church becomes filled by the Holy Spirit. In verses 1-4 the church experiences the presence of God through the filling of the Holy Spirit. In verses 5-8 the church obeyed the commands of God through the Holy Spirit. In verses 40-41 the church obeyed the commands of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.


In John 16:13-14 Jesus says that the Spirit will reveal truth to us & lead us into all truth & that He will speak to us the things of God. We as the church must listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit & obey Him.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about listen to & obeying the Holy Spirit.


We need to wake up & surrender our wills to God.


Also, in Acts 2 we are given the priorities of God for His church.


Verse 14: Speak the word of God boldly

Verses 44-45: Care for others sacrificially

Verses 46-47: Worship God wholeheartedly

Verse 47: Multiply disciples exponentially


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about surrender our wills to the will of God.


God promises to bless His church when we as His church walk in faith & obey him. When God does that two things will happen according to Acts 2:43. First the church will stand in awe of God & second the world will stand in amazement of God. God wants the world to know Him & He has chosen us as the church to fulfill that mission. But we have to wake up & obey!


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls,





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