Sunday, December 10, 2023

Jesus is the Light


Jesus is the Light


In John 1, John says that Jesus was life & the life was the light of men. Jesus says in John 8:12 that He is the Light of the world. Light always overcomes darkness because darkness is simply the absence of light. Jesus as the light always overcomes the darkness of unbelief.


In John 3:2 Nicodemus comes to see Jesus at night. He came to sit & talk & learn & hide. We think that darkness can hide us & what we do, but Jesus is the Light & illuminates our lives & actions.


In John 3:19 Jesus says, “And this is the judgment; the Light has come into the world, and people love the darkness rather than the light because their works are evil.”


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about recognizing that the Light, Jesus, has come into the world.


In John 19 Nicodemus comes with Joseph of Arimathea to go to Pilate to claim the body of Jesus. They had both been secret disciples of Jesus because of fear of the Jews, but now they come in public & in the light & acknowledge their commitment to Jesus. They had come into the Light.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about coming into the Light, Jesus, & living in that Light.


So, how do we, like Nicodemus, come out of the darkness into the Light?


1 John 1:5 says, “This is the message we have heard from Him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.”


We must believe the message that God is light & in Him there is no darkness at all. God is light, meaning He is good & would never do anything to cause us harm. God is light, meaning He is truth & will always tell us the truth.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about trusting that, as the Light, Jesus will always speak to us the truth & lead us to do what is best for us.


1 John 1:6 says, “If we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.”


We must practice what we proclaim. We cannot have fellowship with Jesus & live in ways that are not pleasing to Him. He will still love us no matter what, but we will not enjoy an intimate communion with Jesus if we continue to practice ways that are not what He wants for us.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about living out what we proclaim with our mouths.


1 John 1:7 says, “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.”


We must walk in the light with Jesus. When we walk with Jesus in the light then we have fellowship with one another & we have cleansing from sin through Jesus’ blood. We get two awesome gifts. We get a family of brothers & sisters who share our love of Jesus & we get sin cleansed from our lives.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about walking in fellowship with Jesus & His family & being cleansed from the guilt & penalty of our sin.


In Luke 2:9 when the angels came to proclaim to the shepherds that the Messiah had come, it says that the glory of the Lord shone around them. Jesus came in the Light of God as the Light of God. We have the privilege to know & live in the Light.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls,


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