Sunday, October 15, 2023

What to Do With Doubt



Is doubt good or bad? Yes & No! Doubt is good when we allow God to use our doubt to honestly examine our lives & let Him then lead us to faith in Him. Doubt is bad when we allow the doubt to lead to not believing & trusting God & we move away, not toward Him.


So, what can enable us to us to allow God to use doubt to lead us to Him?


There is an insurance commercial that takes about the three P’s of insurance, which according to the commercial are price, price, & price. Well, lets take a look at the four P’s of overcoming our doubt of God.


In Luke 1 Gabriel is sent to tell Mary that she will become pregnant & become the mother of the Messiah. In verse 34 Mary says to Gabriel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” Mary is doubting. When Gabriel explains how God will accomplish this, Mary replies to him & says in verse 38, “Behold I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”


We first must trust the person of God. If we don’t trust who God is, we will never be able to fully trust anything else about God. We must believe that God is good & His will is always right.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about trusting that the person of God is good & His will is always for our benefit.


Also, in Luke 1 we read about Zechariah’s encounter with an angel & the angel telling Zechariah that he & Elizabeth would have a son in their old age (beyond childbearing age) & they that were to name their son John. Zechariah doubted what the angel told him & Zechariah was unable to speak. When their son was born & they asked what his name was, Zechariah wrote that his name is John & Zechariah was then able to speak again.


We then must trust God’s plan & purpose. God had a plan for John to be born to a couple who naturally could not have children & that John coming through them was a miracle & God would be gloried through the birth. God had a purpose also to bring John, who would be the forerunner of the Messiah, to prepare the way for Jesus.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about trusting God’s plan & purpose & cooperating with Him so that He can use us to accomplish His will.


In Mark 9 Jesus has experienced His transfiguration & has come down & encounters a situation where a father has brought his demon possessed son to the disciples to have the demon expelled, but they could not do it. In verse 22 the father says to Jesus “if He could do anything”. Jesus responds in verse 23 by saying, “If you can! All things all possible for one who believes.” Then in verse 24 the father says, “I believe; help my unbelief!”


We then must trust God’s power. The disciples could not expel the demon because they were trusting themselves to do it. Jesus is telling the father to trust His power & the father is honest & wants to believe & cries to Jesus to enable him to believe. Jesus expels the demon & heals the boy.


Raise the Roof & Remove the Walls is about trusting God’s power & believing that all things are possible when we place our faith in God & not ourselves.


The four P’s of overcoming doubt & letting it lead you to faith in God:

Trust the Person of God

Trust the Plan of God

Trust the Purpose of God

Trust the Power of God


Trusting God & Raising the Roof & Removing the Walls,


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