Sunday, January 29, 2023

Who We Need to Reach Out To


Jesus’ calling of Levi or Matthew in Luke 5 and the circumstances that follow are a message to the world about why Jesus came and a message to the church about who we are to be in the world.


In Luke 5:27 Jesus encounters Levi at his tax booth and He invites Levi to follow Him. Levi left everything and followed Jesus.


Levi is one of the most unlikely people for Jesus to invite to follow Him & also one of the most unlikely people to accept the invitation and follow Him.


Levi as a tax collector was working for the Roman government and was more focused on material wealth than on God. Jews did not become tax collectors to grow their faith in God. They did it to become wealthy.


Tax collectors were hated by other Jews because they were working for the hated Romans and because they tended to cheat their fellow Jews as they collected the taxes.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is about not judging who Jesus calls to follow Him but accepting all who do as brothers and sisters in Jesus.


In Luke 5:29 Levi hosts a big dinner party for Jesus and his friends. Now, the only friend a Jewish tax collector has are other tax collectors. Jesus was eating and relating to these “sinful” tax collectors.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is about letting Jesus use us in unusual circumstances that take us out of our comfort zones and may cause others to look at us strangely.


In Luke 5:30 the religious leaders grumbled about Jesus eating and drinking with these tax collectors and sinners.


The religious leaders saw these tax collectors as sinners and would not associate with them. The religious leaders were too holy to rub elbows with these kinds of people.


Notice that the religious leaders did not go and complain to Jesus but to His disciples. They were religious but lacked compassion and courage.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is about going where the lost are and showing compassion and boldness to share the gospel with whoever they are.


In Luke 5:31-32 Jesus shares with the religious leaders and His disciples why He came into the world.


Jesus says that it is not the well who need a doctor, but those who are sick.


When we feel good and don’t have any known health issues, we don’t see the need to go to a doctor. But when we are sick, we feel physically bad or have pain, we seek out a doctor. The more we are aware of our sickness the quicker we want to get to a doctor. If the sickness or pain is very intense, we will go to an emergency room.


Jesus is using this illustration to show that only those who are aware of sin and see their need for a Savior would be willing to come to Him, and that is who He came for.


In Luke 5:32 Jesus puts it very plainly. He says, “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”


Jesus did not come to call the righteous or the self-righteous. Those who do not recognize their sin and don’t see that they have a need for a Savior. Jesus came to call sinners. Those who see their sin and know they are sinners and acknowledge their need for a Savior.


In Matthew 5:3 Jesus says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”


When we recognize and acknowledge that we are spiritually bankrupt, we will seek out Jesus as Savior and then we will be part of God’s kingdom.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is about acknowledging our sin and turning to Jesus as Savior to receive forgiveness.


In another encounter with a tax collector in Luke 19, Jesus says in verse 10 that He came to seek and save the lost. The church is to be about reaching out to the lost, no matter who there are.


Acknowledging our sin and our need for Jesus as our Savior and surrendering our lives to Him does not lead to defeat but it leads to victory.


Acknowledging My Need for Jesus as my Savior I Will Be

Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls,


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