Sunday, March 6, 2022

Freedom to Know and Serve Jesus


I love God’s Word! I have just finished a one-on-one study of the Book of Galatians with a friend and was again reminded of the power and relevance of God’s Word.


Galatians 1:1-2

Paul an apostle – not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead – and all the brothers who are with me. To the church of Galatia.


Paul reminds us that our calling to know and follow and serve is not from a human source but from Jesus.


I have had the great privilege to serve God through the local church for almost forty-seven years and there have been times when I wanted to quit and go do anything else. I was reminded that it was not people who called me into ministry and only the One who called me into ministry had the authority to call me out of ministry.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is following God’s call on our lives and staying with that calling until God tells us something different.


Paul also reminds us of the power of God. God the Father raised Jesus from the dead.


There is no greater power than to bring life to someone who is dead. Jesus performed three resurrections of others in the New Testament. He raised Jairus’ daughter, the widow of Nain’s son and Lazarus. Each of these resurrections show Jesus’ power and Jesus’ resurrection shows the power of the Father over sin and death and Satan.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is experiencing the power of new life through Jesus.


Paul reminds us that following Jesus is not an individual thing but a community thing.


Paul and all the brothers who are with him.


Jesus called twelve disciples. Paul didn’t go on missionary trips alone; he had others with him. Paul planted churches in the towns and cities he went to.


Jesus gives us new life and then puts us into faith communities to grow and serve.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is doing life together with other brothers and sisters in Jesus.


Paul reminds us that through God’s grace we can have God’s peace.


Knowing Jesus, following Jesus, and serving Jesus bring peace. It brings a rest and security because we know that Jesus loves us and has the power and authority to handle anything that comes into our lives.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is experiencing the peace of God because we have received the grace of God.


Paul reminds us that it is through Jesus’ death that we are delivered from the penalty and power of sin. It is also through Jesus’ death that we are delivered from the power of this present evil age.


Jesus’ death paid for our sins, and when we acknowledge our sin and ask God for forgiveness, that forgiveness is given because Jesus paid for our sins.


Jesus’ death also gives us the grace, mercy, hope, and strength we need to live in a fallen world and not be controlled by it or overwhelmed by it.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is knowing our sins are forgiven and experiencing the overcoming power of God in our lives daily.


Paul reminds us that Jesus is due our praise and worship forever.


The truth is that all humans and all things that are human are imperfect and cannot truly satisfy us. That people will let us down and disappoint us. But that God will never let us down or disappointed us. That truth is what makes Jesus the only One worthy of our worship and service.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is worshipping Jesus and only Jesus.


Galatians is a book about freedom in Jesus. That freedom begins with knowing that, by God’s grace, we can know Jesus and follow Jesus and serve Jesus, and that then we will experience God’s peace.


In Freedom Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls,


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