Sunday, July 25, 2021

Jesus Shows Us the Kingdom Of God


There are many times a disconnect between what we as followers of Jesus proclaim to others, what we say we believe, and what we live out.


1 Corinthians 4:20

For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but of power.


The kingdom of God is not a matter of knowing the right theology or of saying the right things but of doing the things of God through the power of God.


In John 11 Jesus shows us what that looks like.


Jesus gets the message that Lazarus is sick and remains for two addition days, and then Lazarus has dies. When Jesus gets to Bethany and is met by Martha and Mary, they tell Jesus that if He had been there, Lazarus would not have died.


Jesus shows us four things about the kingdom of God being about power, not talk.


First, Jesus shows us His heart.


In John 11:7-10 Jesus tells His disciples that they are going down to Bethany in Judea. The disciples remind Jesus that the last time they were in Judea, the religious leaders tried to kill Him. Jesus tells them that they are going and that they will be walking in the light.


Jesus’ heart is, no matter what the circumstances are, to do the will of God.


In John 11:33-35 Jesus is moved in His spirit and is greatly troubled and weeps.


Jesus’ heart is always with His human creation. Jesus is moved and is troubled and weeps because:

He is angry over sin and evil

He feels the grief of Martha and Mary

He hurts over the unbelief of the people


Raise the Roof an Remove the Walls is having our hearts in sync with Jesus by desiring to do God’s will and mourning over sin and what sin does.


Second, Jesus shows His courage.


In John 11:39 Jesus tells them to remove the stone from the front of Lazarus’ tomb and Martha says that Lazarus has been in the tomb for four days and that it will stink. In response, Jesus tells her to just believe.


Jesus was willing to endure the stink to be able to show the power of God. Jesus is willing to enter the mess and chaos and stinky-ness of life so that God’s power to give life is experienced by people.


Third, Jesus shows His power.


In John 11:43-44 Jesus tells Lazarus to come out, and Lazarus does.


Jesus shows His power over death by bringing Lazarus back to life.

Jesus shows His power over sin by bringing Lazarus back to life.

Jesus shows His power over Satan by bringing Lazarus back to life.


The cause of death is sin and the cause of sin is Satan. So, when Jesus brings Lazarus back to life, He overcomes sin and death and Satan.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is letting Jesus live in and through us and demonstrating His power through our lives.


Fourth, Jesus shows His desire for community.


In John 11:44 Jesus tells those there to go and remove Lazarus’ grave clothes.


Jesus brings life and He invites us to join Him in the salvation process by enabling us to baptize and teach others all that He has taught us and helping them to realize that Jesus has changed them and made them new.


We are Jesus’ disciples and we are to disciple others so that they can mature and be disciples who disciple others.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is joining Jesus in making disciples of others. 


The Body of Christ is to show the world the heart and the courage and the power and the community of Jesus. The kingdom of God is a matter not of words or theology but of Jesus living His life through us and showing His authority to the world.  


We as the church are the hands and feet and voice and heart of Jesus.


As the Body of Christ Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls




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