the movie Avatar there is a phrase that is repeated several times throughout
the movie. The phrase is, “I see you.”
is such an important concept. We as humans need to be seen and heard. When we
don’t feel that we are being seen and heard we feel we are unimportant, we feel
like we are not appreciated and thus not valued. It many times causes people to
react with anger.
since He is our Creator, knows this about us as humans.
Chronicles 28:9
Solomon, my son, learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. Worship
and serve Him with your whole heart and with a willing mind. For the Lord sees
every heart and knows every plan and thought. If you seek Him, you will find
Him. But if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever.”
knows us completely and He sees us.
God watches how people live, He sees everything they do.”
watches us, He sees us and everything we do.
sees us, He knows us intimately, and He knows everything we do.
the Roof and Remove the Walls is recognizing that God is all knowing and He
knows us and sees everything that is a part of our lives.
God knowing us and seeing everything we do, what is His response to us?
Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love;
therefore, I have continued My faithfulness to you.”
response to us, knowing everything about us, is, “I love you with a love that
will never go away or even fade.” God loves us to the max all the time, all the
time knowing us completely.
sees us and loves us.
the Roof and Remove the Walls is knowing that God knows me and knowing that
He still loves me.
see how that works in real life in Genesis 16 in the life of Hagar.
was the servant of Sarai. Sarai comes up with the brilliant idea that Abraham
could father a child through Hagar and that would fulfill God’s promise of
Abraham having a male heir. Abraham agrees and Hagar becomes pregnant.
angel of the Lord found her by a spring of water in the wilderness, the spring
on the way to Shur. And he said, “Hagar, servant of Sarai, where have you come
from and where are you going?” She said, “I am fleeing from my mistress Sarai.”
The angel of the Lord said to her, “Return to your mistress and submit to her.”
The angel of the Lord also said to her, “I will surely multiply your offspring
so that they cannot be numbered for multitude.” And the angel of the Lord said
to her, “Behold, you are pregnant and shall bear a son. You shall call his name
Ishmael, because the Lord has listened to your affliction. He shall be a wild
donkey of a man, his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and
he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen.” So she called the name of the
Lord who spoke to her, “You are a God of seeing,” for she said, “Truly here I
have seen him who looks after me.” Therefore the well was called Ber-lahai-roi;
it lies between Kadesh and Bered.
is Hagar in the middle of the desert. She is alone and isolated and she has no
place to go. God speaks to her and tells her that He knows her and He knows her
condition. Hagar is not a believer. But God still knows her and lets her know
that He has got her and will provide for her.
experiences the presence of God and says that He is the God who sees and she names
the well The Well of the Living One Who Sees Me.
the Roof and Remove the Walls is knowing that God sees us and, in seeing us,
God will provide for us.
live in a nation where most of us don’t feel that we are being heard. We don’t
believe that anyone sees us.
want to challenge us as the church to see people. Jesus didn’t react to
people’s sin by condemning them and rejecting them. He reached out to all
people. He let people know that He came for the lost, the sinner, and the
unrighteous. He showed them that He saw them. Let us be like Jesus and not
label people and reject them, but really see them and reach out to them so they
can see Jesus.
God sees you and loves you.
People with Jesus and Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls,
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