Sunday, September 27, 2020

Testing the Spirits Part 2


We will continue to examine how to test or try the spirits. We will look at how to know if the spiritual experience we have gone through is from God or not.


How does the experience affect our view of God’s Word, the Bible?


Does the experience lead you to believe what 2 Peter 1:20-21 says, “Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”


Does the experience enable you to believe more fully in the infallibility of the Bible? Does it enable you to see the Bible as God’s Word?


Does the spiritual experience enable you to more fully believe what 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness”? Does it enable you to believe that the Bible is God-inspired, not man and is for helping us to know how to really believe and follow Jesus?


We have to take the view that anything that originates outside the Bible is suspect until it can be confirmed in the Bible.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is accepting the Bible as the authority of our lives and living based on that authority.


How does the experience affect how we view ourselves?


In Romans 3:23 we are told all people have sinned and come short of the standard of God. Then Romans 3:24 tells us we can be justified or forgiven of our sin and failure by grace as a gift from God. We are born with a nature or desire to sin but, by God’s gift of grace, we can be changed. Does this spiritual experience enable us to believe that?


After we have experienced salvation by God’s grace, does this spiritual experience lead us to see ourselves as righteous, holy, children of God; who God loves unconditionally? If it does, this experience is from God and that is where it will lead. If it is not from God, it will lead us to see ourselves as still in our sin and worthless people.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is accepting what the Bible says about us and letting God change us or living in the reality of the change God has already made in our lives.


How does this experience affect how I view fellow believers?


If this spiritual experience is from God it will lead us to love our fellow believers more deeply.


1 John 4:8-9 says, “Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent His only Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”


If this spiritual experience is from God it will lead us to not isolate ourselves from other believers but desire more fellowship with them.


Hebrews 10:25

Not neglecting to meet together as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.


God wants His children to love each other and do life together as a faith family.


Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is loving our fellow believers and living in unity with them.


Not all spiritual experiences come from God. We need to know how to judge the ones that are and the ones that are not.


Knowing and Experiencing God by Raising the Roof

and Removing the Walls,


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