said it.
said it.
said it.
said, “Who am I that God should bless me so much.” I can totally identity with
that thinking. I have been blessed by God beyond anything I could ever have
imagined. When I expressed that feeling to my wife, she in her quiet wisdom
simply said it was because of God’s grace. She was absolutely right.
weekend God showed me the truth of the awesomeness of His grace.
the law came in to increase the trespass, but when sin increased, grace
abounded all the more.
know that apart from God’s grace I have no hope. I am lost and cannot ever hope
to obtain forgiveness and eternal life. But God’s grace is more than just what
saves us. It is also why God blesses us.
weekend I was given four great grace gifts.
Gift #1: I got to hear and see my granddaughter sing at a performance with her
Broadway children’s group. They sang a song at the performance from the Lion
King called the Circle of Life. I was privileged to see another generation of
Byerses and love them and have them love me. But an even greater grace gift was
the next morning when my granddaughter stood next to me and sang praises to
Jesus. The grace gift was to see my granddaughter use her gift from God to
praise Jesus.
Gift #2: I got to sit on the floor and play video games with my grandson in the
same way I used to play with my son. It was gracious of God to allow me to
build new bonds with my grandson. It was gracious of God to let me spend time
with my grandson on his turf and getting to know him in a different.
Gift #3: I got to worship with my daughter-in-law leading people in singing
praises to Jesus. I got to see her heart and know that it is focused on Jesus.
I prayed for my son to marry a woman who loved Jesus and together they would
serve Jesus with great passion. God with overwhelming grace answered that
Gift #4: I got to sit under the teaching of my son. I don’t listen much
(actually not at all) to other preachers or teachers. But I love sitting under
my son’s teaching. He loves Jesus and it comes out as he teaches and it comes
out as he relates to the faith family that he pastors. I prayed that he would
become a man after God’s own heart and again God overwhelmingly answered that request.
is God’s sovereign desire to love us, not based on us but on His choice to love
His human creation. It produces salvation as we receive and accept it. It is
also why God’s blesses us. Those blessings are not based on our goodness or our
being worthy of them or our performance. They are also based on God’s choice to
bless us.
love God’s grace because it is His heart. Grace is who God is and we see it in
great depth in the life of Jesus. Grace is the reason God saves us and blesses
know that this is a little shorter than usual. But after spending the weekend
with my children and grandchildren I am tired. Grace gives me great joy and
comfort, but not much energy.
Grace Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls,
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