are told in Scripture that Jesus is full of grace and truth. We receive grace
from Jesus. Jesus is our example of what grace looks like as it is lived out
daily. Being transformed into the image of Jesus means to become a person of
Philippians 2 Paul shows us what that looks like.
Philippians 2:1-2 Paul says that if they have any encouragement in Jesus or any
comfort from His love or any participation in the Spirit or any affection and
sympathy, then they are to complete Paul’s joy by being of the same mind and
having the same love. being in full accord and of one mind.
brings encouragement from our fellow brothers and sisters in the body of
Christ. He makes us into His family. We don’t just tolerate our fellow
believers, but we truly love them and are in unity with them.
first thing that God’s grace does is, according to verse 3, enable us to do
nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit.
enables us to not just be focused on us. By grace God’s Spirit makes us aware
of others and their needs.
in verse 4, grace enables us help others to experience God meeting their needs.
Grace empowers us to not just look after our own personal needs, but to put
others and their needs ahead of us and our needs.
empowers me to move from selfishness to unselfishness.
Raise the Roof and
Remove the Walls
is God’s grace being manifested in our lives by putting others and their needs
above of our own.
verse 5 grace gives me the mind of Jesus. Paul encourages us to have this mind.
We have the power to have the mind of Jesus because, according to 1 Corinthians
2:16, we have the mind of Christ.
verses 6 and 7 one of the results of having the mind of Jesus is sacrifice.
Jesus emptied Himself and did not hold on to equality with God. Grace empowers
us to let go of our rights and be willing to give up anything Jesus leads us to
give up.
grace in us also results in us becoming servants. Jesus tells us that He came
not to be served but to serve others. Jesus also tells us that the one who
becomes a servant is the greatest in the kingdom of God.
Raise the Roof and
Remove the Walls
is God’s grace making us servants who sacrifice everything for the kingdom of
verse 8 God’s grace enables us to humble ourselves. Jesus who is God humbled
Himself and became a human being. God’s grace allows us to humble ourselves
under God’s mighty hand. Humility is essential in our relationship with Jesus
because God gives grace to the humble but opposes the proud. Grace enables us
to be humble and moves God to pour out more grace on us.
Raise the Roof and
Remove the Walls
is God’s grace empowering me to living humbly before God and people.
grace also enables me to die to self. Jesus died so that our sins could be
forgiven. God’s grace allows us to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and
follow Jesus. Jesus reminds us that unless a grain of wheat dies and is buried
in the ground it cannot produce fruit. We by God’s grace die to self and come
alive to Jesus.
Raise the Roof and
Remove the Walls
is God’s grace enabling us to die to our sinful natures so we can live in the
new nature God has given us in Jesus.
verses 9 through 11 Paul shares with us the result of Jesus living in grace.
will be highly exalted.
name will be placed above every name.
will be worshiped by everyone in heaven, on earth, and under the earth.
will be proclaimed as Lord to the Father’s glory.
we live in God’s grace the results will be:
being highly exalted
name will be honored
being worshiped
being proclaimed Lord
Raise the Roof and Remove
the Walls
is God’s grace honoring and exalting Jesus.
empowers us and grace glorifies God.
Grace Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls,
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