grew up in the church. I first went to church when I was two weeks old, and, no,
I don’t remember going at that age. I do remember that as I got older, I found
church boring and confusing. I found it boring because I was being told to do
things that I knew I couldn’t do and thus I quit trying. I found it confusing
because it seemed to me that I was told that I needed to do everything
perfectly but then grace was sort of thrown in and I didn’t get it.
didn’t get how all the commandments in the Mosaic Law lead to grace in Jesus.
Then I studied Galatians and found out that they really don’t.
Galatians Paul shows us that grace in Jesus flows not from the law given to
Moses but to the covenant that God made by promise to Abraham.
Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and
if children, then heirs – heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided
we suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him.
we surrender the authority of our lives over to Jesus’ authority, then we
become children of God. As children of God we have the Holy Spirit in us and He
gives us the understanding that, as children of God, we are heirs. This means
that every follower of Jesus is a child of God and an heir of God.
Raise the Roof and
Remove the Walls
is knowing and living as a child and heir of God.
what does it mean exactly that we are heirs of God?
if you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to the
connects our standing as heirs of God with Abraham and the promise that God
made him.
the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your
father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great
nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be
blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will
curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
makes some promises to Abram:
will become a great nation
will have a great name
s friends will be blessed and his enemies will be cursed
will be blessing to every person on earth
two things about this promise:
out of His sovereign grace chose Abram from every person on earth to make the
promise to and to bless all the people on earth.
makes the promise to Abram and put no conditions on the promise.
Raise the Roof and
Remove the Walls
is believing God’s unconditional promise.
promise given to Abram and the covenant God made with Abram were based on
grace. God chose Abram based not on anything Abram did but on God’s desire to
chose Him. God makes promises to Abram that were unconditional because God
required nothing from Abram to fulfill the promise.
covenant that we have in Jesus is by grace. The covenant is based in Jesus’s
finished work on the cross. It was initiated by God. It is based on what Jesus did. It is
covenant of grace through Jesus flows out of the covenant God made with Abram
based on His promise.
Mosaic covenant was based on following the law. The law was not given for
salvation because the law cannot save a person. The law was given to show us
who God is and to set apart a people, Israel, to be a special people to bring
salvation to the world, and to show humanity’s sinfulness.
salvation does not and cannot come from the law. Our salvation comes by grace
based on what Jesus did just as Abram’s relationship with God came out of grace
based on the promise of God.
Raise the Roof and
Remove the Walls
is about trusting the gracious promise of God fulfilled through Jesus.
is greater than the law.
Grace Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls