Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Gratitude Not Entitlement

I just returned from Mexico and spending four days there handing out Samaritan’s Purse Christmas boxes. Jan and I, like many of you, have for years packed shoe boxes. It as an awesome experience to actually be part of giving shoe boxes to the kids.

While we were there, God spoke to me about my attitude.

I don’t mind God dealing with me about my language or my behavior because those are seen by others and I want them to see truly see Jesus in what I say and how I act. But I really want my attitudes and thoughts to be mine. God however, purchased all of me on the cross. He has a right to correct my words, actions, attitudes, and thoughts.

We went to three different communities in Mexico. The third one was a very small village. The streets were all dirt. There was water in the streets from bathrooms because there is no sewer system. The building we did the outreach in was dark and dirty. This was a village where most of us as Americans would not have lived.

I saw on the faces and heard in the words of these people joy.

I ask myself how these people can be joyful living in these conditions. Some would say it is all they know, so since they have only known this, it is ok to them. I believe in Greek there is a word for that: “baloney!”

I believe God showed me a huge spiritual truth as I watched these children get so excited about the shoe boxes. 

In Exodus and Numbers, it says that the people of Israel grumbled about things they thought were bad. They grumbled against God.

Now here were people who God had delivered out of slavery. He had provided for them by giving them manna every day. He had provided water out of a rock. He had protected them from more powerful people groups.

And their response was gratitude? No, their response was grumbling and whining.

God wants gratitude from His people.

God used two passages to show me some truths that I want to incorporate into my life and into the life of my faith family.

Philippians 2:14-16

Do all these without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.

1 Peter 4:9-10

Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another; as good stewards of God’s grace.

The truths are:

●Gratitude, Not Grumbling

Gratitude shows our submission to God.

Grumbling shows that we still want to be in control.

● Righteousness, Not Perversion

Righteousness shows that we are looking more and more like Jesus.

Perversion shows that we are looking more and more like the people we complain about.

● Light, Not Darkness

Light shows that we are walking with God.

Darkness shows that we are walking away from God.

● Based on God’s Word, Not the Values of This World

Living based on God’s Word shows that we are a supernatural creation of God.

Living based on the values of this world shows that we are just part of this natural temporary world.

● Purpose, Not Purposelessness

Purpose shows I exist for something bigger than me.

Purposelessness shows I exist for only me.

● Hospitality, Not Selfishness

Hospitality shows love for others.

Selfishness shows only love for myself.

● Grace, Not Condemnation

Grace shows Jesus.

Condemnation shows everything that is not Jesus.

One of the things I saw in the people of Mexico and in the followers of Jesus in Mexico was true humility. They did not feel entitled. That humility is allowing God to use them to impact their country.

We as Jesus’ followers need an attitude of gratitude and a spirit of humility. We have to get rid of the entitlement attitude.

One last note: The people of Mexico are pictured by some to all be drug running criminals. The people I encountered were people who were truly seeking God.

Without Grumbling, Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls,


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