Sunday, December 13, 2015

What Comes Out When You Are Squeezed?

The true character of a person is most clearly seen when that person faces a difficult time. When a person is “squeezed”, what comes out shows what is on the inside.

In John 18 we see Jesus being squeezed. Jesus and His disciples go to the Garden of Gethsemane to spend their last time together. It is in this setting that we see five attributes of Jesus that set Him apart from ordinary people.

Jesus is not only arrested, but the person leading the group is one of the Twelve - Judas.

The fact that Jesus is arrested is stressful enough, but the personal pain of being betrayed by one so close to Him had to really hurt.

This leads to the first attribute of Jesus displayed in this situation.

John 18:4
Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to Him, went out and asked them, “Who do you want?”

Jesus is courageous.

Jesus knew that He was going to be arrested.
Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him.
Jesus knew the betrayal and arrest would lead to the cross.

Jesus, knowing all this, did nothing to prevent it. Jesus, in fact, went exactly to the place where He knew that Judas would bring the men who would arrest Him.

Jesus even initiated the confrontation with the posse.

There were so many ways that Jesus could have avoided being arrested, but He didn’t.

He is courageous.

Jesus being courageous means that, as I yield my life to His power and authority, He will live out His courage in me.

Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is letting Jesus live out His courage in me.

John 18:5
“Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied. “I am He,” Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.)

Jesus is honest.

Jesus could have lied.
Jesus could have tried to convince them that He wasn’t the one they were looking for.

Jesus acknowledged He was the one they were looking for.
Jesus knew why they had come.
Jesus knew what the results of being arrested would be.

Even knowing all of this, Jesus shows that He is Truth by being honest.

Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is letting Jesus as the Truth manifest Himself through us.

John 18:6
When Jesus said, “I am He,” they drew back and fell to the ground.

Jesus is in control.

Judas was not in control.
The Romans soldiers were not in control.
The Jewish religious leaders were not in control.
The Jewish temple guards were not in control.

Jesus was not panicking.
Jesus was not fearful.
Jesus was not at a loss of what to do.

Jesus, at a time when He should have been fearful and confused, was in total control of the situation.

Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is letting Jesus have total control of your life.

Jesus then again asked who they were looking for and they said “Jesus of Nazareth,” and Jesus tells them that He is Jesus.

John 18:8
“I told you that I am He,” Jesus answered. “If you are looking for Me, then let these men go.”

Jesus is focused on and concerned for others.

Most people when being arrested are concerned about one thing: how I can get out of this situation.

Jesus was concerned about these eleven men.

These were men that Jesus loved.
These men that had spent the last three years of their lives with Jesus.
These men would be used to change the world.

Jesus was not only the Savior.
Jesus was not only the Lord.
Jesus was not only the Messiah.
Jesus was the Friend of these men.

Jesus, as the Friend of these eleven men, loved them and was concerned about them even when He was being arrested.

Raise the Roof and Remove Walls is being other-focused and not self-focused.

Peter, being Peter, decided that he would save Jesus and attacked one of the people there to arrest Jesus. Peter struck the high priest’s servant and cut off his ear.

John 18:11
Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given Me.?”

Jesus was surrendered to the Father’s will.

Jesus could have avoided being arrested.
Jesus could have avoided going to the cross.

Jesus didn’t because He was fully surrender to do what the Father wanted Him to do.

Jesus didn’t go to the cross just because of His love for us. Jesus went to the cross because that was the Father’s will.

In the last phrase of Philippians 3:10 Paul says, “Becoming like Him in His death.”

Paul’s desire was to be like Jesus as He died on the cross.

How was Jesus as He died on the cross? He was completely obedient to God the Father.

Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is being fully surrendered to God’s will.

Jesus is:
In Control
Concerned for Others
Surrendered to the Father’s Will

We can be:
In Control
Concerned for Others
Surrender to the Father’s will

Colossians 1:27 says that God has revealed a mystery to us that Christ is in us.

As Jesus lives His life in and through us we will become like Him and display His attributes.

Displaying the Attributes Jesus Raising the Roof and Removing The Walls

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