The first statement in John 14:1 would be a totally absurd statement if it had come from any one but Jesus.
Jesus says, “Let not your hearts be troubled.”
The word troubled here means to be agitated, to cause one inward commotion, to take away calmness of mind, to make restless, or to render anxious or distressed.
Jesus is telling us not to be in inner turmoil, but to be at peace.
First, because Jesus is our Provision.
John 14:2-3
In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go and prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to Myself that where I am you may be also.
Jesus provides all the we need:
He does not want us to look at any other source to be satisfied.
Second, because Jesus is the Way.
In John 14:4 Jesus tells the twelve that they know the way to the place that He has prepared for them.
In John 14:5 Thomas says that they don’t know where Jesus is going, so how could they know the way.
In John 14:6 Jesus says that He is the Way, the Truth, the Life.
Jesus being the Way means that we don’t follow rules, rituals, or religion, but a person - Jesus.
It is about a relationship, and in relating to Jesus as the Way, we follow Him by denying ourselves and taking up our cross every day.
Third, Jesus is the Truth.
There is mathematic truth
There scientific truth.
There medical truth.
There is historical truth.
There is archaeological truth.
There is spiritual truth.
All truth comes from Jesus and points back to Jesus.
We as followers of Jesus never need to be fearful of the truth, It will always prove that Jesus is who says He is.
Fourth, Jesus is the Life.
Colossians 3:4
When Christ who is your life appears then you also will appear with Him in glory.
Jesus never asked to be part of your life.
Jesus asked to be your life.
It is not about fitting Jesus into your life. It is about yielding your life to Jesus.
It is about submitting your will to Jesus’ will.
It is about surrendering everything you are and everything you have to Jesus.
Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is trusting Jesus as your Provision, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Jesus also claims that He is God.
John 14:7-11
If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him. Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know Me, Philip? Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father?’ Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in Me does His works. Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me, or else believe on account of the works themselves.”
Jesus is saying that He and the Father are the same. Jesus speaks the words of the Father and does the works of the Father.
Jesus is our Provision.
Jesus is the Way.
Jesus is the Truth.
Jesus is the Life
Because Jesus is God.
Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is knowing, following, and obeying Jesus as God and nothing less.
Because Jesus is God He gives us two promises.
John 14:12
Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works then these will he do, because I am going to the Father.
We will do the works that Jesus did and greater ones.
Greater Works:
Paul taking the Gospel to the Gentiles
Billy Graham having preached to over two billion people
Bible in over 2,500 languages
We can do greater works because Jesus has gone to the Father and sent the Holy Spirit. It is not our works but the works of God through us.
Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is being God’s instrument to take the Gospel of His grace to the world.
John 14:13-14
Whatever you ask in My name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.
What A Promise!
Jesus is saying, “If you ask Me anything that is according to My will, I will do it.” Jesus doesn’t say He might do it or He could do it or He will think about doing it. He says “I will do it.”
James 4:2
You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask.
We don’t have because we don’t ask.
Then in James 4:3 God reveals another reason we don’t have. It says, “You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.
We don’t have because we ask based on the wrong motives. We want it for OUR passions. We are to ask and want it for God’s passions.
I have been praying for revival for over fifteen years. Two weeks ago God spoke to me about why I was praying for revival. I came to understand I was praying for revival because I wanted things to change in the church and become more like what I wanted. God told me that I was praying for the right thing but for the wrong reason.
I am still praying for revival but now I want revival for the honor and glory of God. I want revival for the church because God wants revival for the church.
I hear a lot of Christians wanting our country to change, but I have to be honest. Many American Christians are wanting the country to change so it will be like it was or to become more conservative or become safer or become more moral. Many are wanting God to make the American Dream happen.
We must, as God’s people, lose the attitude that it is about me and return to our first love as God’s people - Jesus.
The promise is Jesus will give us what we ask for when what we ask for is all about Him.
Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls is praying according to God’s will, to glorify Jesus and watching God do awesome things beyond what we can imagine.
In Peace, Not Worry, Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls
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