Sunday, January 25, 2015

Disciples of Jesus Have Marks

Have you ever tried to describe someone to another person? It is very hard to do. I am fascinated by police sketch artists. They can listen and draw a face that looks remarkably like the person the police are looking for based on a person’s verbal description.

God’s Word tells us that people will have marks by which the world can identify them as disciples of Jesus.

There are in reality many things in a person’s life that can point to the fact that they have a relationship with God through Jesus.

I want to focus on three which the Bible directly states that disciples of Jesus will manifest.

John 20:20
As He spoke, He showed them the wounds in His hands and His side. They were filled with joy when they saw the Lord!

Disciples of Jesus are joyful.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:16 we are told to rejoice always.

How can a person living in a fallen, broken world that is dominated sin rejoice all the time?

We have to believe and live out the reality of Romans 8:28. It says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose.”

Not everything that happens is good. But for someone who loves Jesus and obeys His will, God uses everything in our lives for our good.

Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is about experiencing the joy of Jesus.

Joy is different than happiness.

Happiness is based on “happenings”.
Joy is based in a relationship with Jesus.

Happiness happens to you based on circumstances.
Joy is fruit produced by the Holy Spirit.

Happiness comes and goes.
Joy can be continual.

Joy will be experienced in a disciple’s life when they get their priorities in line with God’s priorities.

Disciples of Jesus love.

John 13:35
By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

The primary word used in the New Testament to describe the kind of love that we as followers of Jesus are to have is agape.

Agape is a limitless, with no conditions, with no time limit love.

In Mark 12:30-31 Jesus tells us that we are to love God with all that we are and to love others with the same kind of love we have for ourselves.

In Matthew 5:44 we are told to love and pray for our enemies.

Agape is the word used in both these passages.

I am to love - with no limits or conditions or time restraints - God and others and my enemies.

Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is about loving unconditionally.

This kind of love is so unnatural that is a huge mark of a disciple of Jesus.

Disciples of Jesus continue in the faith.

Acts 14:22
Strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.

Following Jesus is a marathon, not a sprint.
Following Jesus is long term, not short term.
Following Jesus is for a life time, not a season.

When Jesus called Andrew and Peter;
When Jesus called James and John;
When Jesus called Philip;
When Jesus called Matthew;
it was for a their whole lives.

When Jesus called you and me it was for us to give Him our lives and follow Him until we die.

One of the things I hear frequently from people is, “I’ve done my time, now it’s someone else’s turn.
My response is , “REALLY!”

The word retirement is not in the Bible. The reason it isn’t in there is because you never retire from following Jesus. You never retire from serving Jesus.

Continuing in the faith will require:

Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls is about staying for the long haul.

Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we reap, if we don’t give up.”

Disciples of Jesus have certain marks that distinguish them from everyone else.

They are joyful.
They love.
They continue in the faith.

This also described Jesus.

Jesus was joyful.

Luke 10:21 says that Jesus was full of joy through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus loved.

John 13:1-5 says that Jesus loved His disciples and showed them the full extent of His loving by washing their feet.

Jesus continued to obey the Father until He had finished with the work the Father had given Him to do.

John 19:30 records this words of Jesus on the cross: “It is finished!”

The marks that we are to show as disciples of Jesus are the marks of the character of Jesus.

Disciples are to look like Jesus.

Marked by Jesus Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls

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