Monday, August 27, 2012

The Need for Revival

I haven't posted for awhile. Forgive me. It has been a rough and busy summer. It has had it great moments too. I have a new grandson, Jeremiah Lucas. We hired two new staff guys at the church. It has been a difficult time also because of some conflict within the church. God has taught me some amazing things in the midst of this conflict. I want to share three of them with you.

The first one is how much the church in America needs revival. I knew that the church needed revival and my wife and I having been praying for revival for several years. But God has shown me through out church's struggles how much the church truly needs a powerful moving of God's Spirit in the us.

The chuch and when I use the word church I am refering to the people, not the building or the programs or the ministies or the structure. The church is as self-centered as the world is. The church is as much about comfort as the world is. The church is as pleasure obsessed as the world is. The church needs transformation. The church needs to become God-Centered. God has given me a greater desire revival. He has given me a greater urgency to pray for revival and teach and preach about revival.

The second thing God has been teaching me is how to beg. God is causing me to plead and cry out for revival. I used to pray nice little prayers for revival. I now get on my face and cry out to God to please bring revival. I picture myself as a beggar pleading for bread and the bread is Jesus the Bread of Life. I want Jesus to come and renew His church and once again be the Head of His church.

The third thing God has been teaching me is how to love those who not only disagree with me, but attack me and try to harm me. I am learning to love people who really don't like me and have nothing good to say about me. It is easy to love the people who think am a great pastor. However, Jesus tells me to love the one who don't like me, who see me as their enemy.

Allow God to Raise the Roof and Remove the Walls by make you desperate for revival. I want to ask  that you would set aside some time each day to cry out to God for revival in your church and in the church in America.

Raising the Roof and Removing the Walls

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