Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rasing the Roof and Removing the Walls

The time has come for the church in America to be honest, we have focused on ourselves and not on what God wants. It is time that we Raise the Roof (become open and honest with God) and Remove the Walls (be transparent to the world). This blog I pray will be used by Jesus to help us as His church to remove barriers from our lives and our churches so that God's Spirit can fill us and use us as His people for His glory. And that we will be a dispaly case for the awesomeness of God to be seen by a culture that needs Him because we are broken.

I would love to hear from people who desire for Jesus to not just be part of their lives, but to be their lives. Who desire to completely surrender thier lives to Him and who hunger and thirst to fully know Him.

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