Avoiding Hypocrisy
Galatians 2:11-14 Paul confronts Peter over Peter’s hypocrisy. Peter had been
fellowshipping with the Gentile Christians in Galatia, but when some Jewish
Christians come, Peter withdraws & stops fellowship with the Gentile
Christians. Peter’s hypocrisy led other Jewish Christians to withdraw from
fellowshipping with Gentile Christians & even Barabas was led astray.
do we apply what Paul did in confronting Peter’s hypocrisy with how we are to
confront hypocrisy?
follow Paul’s example by confronting hypocrisy in the church, not in the world.
The world is fallen & has no ability to be anything but fallen. The church
is not fallen. We are people that God has transformed from sinner to saint. We
are to live differently than the world. Paul is confronting Peter, knowing that
this is not how Jesus desires His people to relate to each other & knowing
that Peter, through the Holy Spirit, had the power to change.
the Roof & Remove the Walls is about speaking the truth in love to confront
hypocrisy in the church.
must see all followers of Jesus as our brothers & sisters. We cannot put
labels on other believers & create human-based divisions. Paul says in
Colossians 3:11, “Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and
uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free, but Christ is all, and in
the Roof & Remove the Walls is about seeing all Christians as our brothers
& sisters regardless of race or gender or language or nation.
must reach out to others & when they come into the church by accepting them.
In John 4 Jesus reaches out to an immoral Samaritan women & then to a whole
Samaritan village & she & many in the village came to faith in Jesus. In
James 2, James warns the church not to treat people differently based on
wealth. We are not to welcome the wealthy & reject the poor; all are
welcomed in God’s church.
the Roof & Remove the Walls is about reaching out to all people to help
them to come to faith in Jesus.
Matthew 9 Jesus calls Matthew to follow Him & he does. Matthew then throws
a party & invites his friends, tax collectors & sinners to meet Jesus.
The religious leaders, the Pharisees got offended because Jesus was eating with
sinners. Jesus told them that He had not come for those who saw themselves as
righteous with no need for a savior, but He came for sinners who knew they
needed a Savior. The church is not a club for the self-sanctified, but a
healing place for the sinner.
the Roof & Remove the Walls is about loving those who are sinners because
that is who we were when Jesus saved us.
people look at the church, they don’t need to see perfect people, but they do
need to see people who love differently than the world. When the world sees a
transformed church then they will start to listen to what the church says.
Raise the Roof &
Remove the Walls,